Henna is a shrub that grows in the tropical climates of Africa, northern Australia and southern Asia, and finds a mention in many ancient texts. In the Bible, this herb is referred to as camphire. Mehandi is derived from the Sanskrit word mendhikā, while henna owes its origin to the Arabic name for Lawsonia inermis, Hina. The leaves of the henna plant contain a red-orange molecule, lawsone, which has the ability to temporarily stain the skin, hair and nails. Before hair dyes and tattoos made a mark in the world of beauty, henna leaves were dried and ground into a powder, mixed into a paste and applied using a variety of techniques. Various shades are obtainable by mixing this plant with the leaves of other plants, such as indigo. Depending on the location and availability, different ingredients such as tea, coffee, cloves, tamarind, lemon, sugar and various oils have been also used to enhance the colour and longevity of design.